Saturday, March 28, 2009

Don't Waste Jesus

Years ago my son Carter and I were in a grocery store when he spotted an “Incredible Hulk” toy display. Three year old Carter cried out to have the item. Upon rejection, surprisingly, he didn't protest. Instead, very seriously he said, "Mommy, why do you think the Hulk is so mad?"

In a rush, aggravated by the pile of errands to do, and annoyed that a grocery store couldn’t just sell groceries, I briskly said, "You know, Honey, I think he just doesn't have Jesus in his heart?"
Thinking for a second, Carter replied, "Is that because we're wasting Jesus?"

Suddenly, feeling the presence of something wonderful about to happen, I stopped the cart and asked my sweet little boy, “What do you mean?”

“Well,” he began, “if we have Jesus in our heart and we don't share him then we're wasting him.”

These simple words from my three year old theologian caused me to immediately consider the question, “Was I wasting Jesus?” Sure, I had my own salvation and that was great, but what about those who were not Christ followers? Did I care enough about them to share the hope within me? Was I ignoring the Great Commission of Christ to teach, make disciples and baptize?

I was grieved by my conclusion. In that moment, I realized I had somehow lost a passion for sharing Christ. I was so caught up in my own “stuff” I had little desire to help those outside the faith. I was selfishly relying on my own faith to save me, but I was wasting the opportunities I had to share Christ with others.

That day, I was floored by the wisdom of a child, humbled by the lesson, and more motivated to make sure that I never waste Jesus again.